This week (Monday), Rob went back to the neurosurgeon to get a CT scan of his head. Dr. Cannon informed us that all of the bruising to the brain was gone and everything looked normal, so he could release him. Rob told him he was glad because it would be bad to lose the only marble he had left. I think he popped that one out to beat me to the punch. Cannon commented that it was amazing that we were standing around having that conversation as bad as it was. He still has an appointment on February 16th to see a neuropsychologist for a mental evaluation. This is something that is required after a head injury in order to release him for return to work.
Last week Rob went back to the orthopedic surgeon. He said that his pelvis still has a break on one side, but that it is healing over. He was taken off the cane and walker. He is walking very well with just a slight limp. Dr. Carothers did say that he could opt to have surgery on his separated shoulder later.
On Friday, he went to see Dr. Decker(his surgeon in charge of his case). He walked in a half an hour early and the nurse stuck her head out to say that Decker was already waiting to see his prize patient. He feels that he is doing fantastic and reminded us that Rob is a miracle. He said he rarely sees someone survive a car wreck like that. He decided to put him on coumadin for the leg clots they found in the hospital. He has a temporary filter inserted, but this is an extra precaution. We are very thankful for Dr. Decker. He has been one of the most compassionate doctors that we have ever dealt with and even after the worst was over, he has been very good about just checking up on Rob. He did send him back to Carothers for clarification of the shoulder issue and they did another xray. Carothers feels that the shoulder will not get worse and if he is able to use it as well as he is, he wouldn't recommend surgery. He does want Rob to see Dr. Martin in the next couple of weeks for a second opinion on that. Otherwise, Carothers has also released him.
The last issue we have is Rob's eyes. He has 4th cranial nerve palsy from his head injury. It is supposed to get better over time, but causes some blurry vision. Rob has another appointment on January 28th to do another check. If they are not better, we will have to give it one more month before he does any type of correction.
Please pray for improvement in his eyes (hopefully by his 28th appointment) and that he will do well on his February 16th evaluation. He is doing great, but he gets frustrated and discouraged at times because he can't do everything he feels like doing. He is working out on the tread mill and Bowflex every day to gain his strength back. He is really hoping to be able to drive again by the end of February so that he can go back to work. His goal has been March 1st, so hopefully he will beat that.