Monday, May 28, 2012

Friday,May 25th Last day in Henan

Today we began our day with a FaceTime call with the boys. They were so excited to see Laikyn and she even waved at them. We had another free day today, so went to the playroom for along time. This afternoon, we finally got Laikyns passport. We were also surprised and thrilled to get her finding ad. It was translated for us and just said that she was found at the Kaifeng hospital in August, 2010 at 6 months of age and was very thin and diagnosed with a congenital heart defect and sent to Kaifeng Children's Welfare Institution. It was info we already knew but also the earliest picture and link to her past that we will ever have. We also found out that this orphanage houses about 230 children of which most are special needs. It says that their mission is to provide for needs and obtain medical care for the children in the institute. They made us a nice photo album as a keepsake with some pictures from 6 months old right after her heart surgery. She was so tiny and malnourished so I can tell they have really worked with her and tried to nurse her back to health! God used those nannies and doctors to answer prayers that I was praying before I had even heard of her. They also have us back the camera we sent while we were waiting so I can't wait to see what is on that!

After one last noodle dinner at Holiday Inn with several couples from our group, we returned for one last rip and roar around the playroom. Then we spent the rest of the night packing for Guangzhou. We found out that L likes music. The mp3 player kept her entertained for at least a half hour. Cant believe we are more than halfway finished with the trip.

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